About Huon Hoofbeats

Huon Hoofbeats Inc is a family-oriented riding club nestled here at Mountain River in the beautiful Huon Valley . We are a very active club, holding regular Rallies, Shows and Events in a variety of disciplines. The club is supported by a diverse group of dedicated members of various ages and experience who enjoy a variety of activities including Showing, Dressage, Jumping and Western. Our aim is to encourage and support members of all levels to achieve their goals in their chosen discipline, while giving them the opportunity to try something new in a safe and friendly environment.  In August 2020 we received support from the Tasmanian Government to purchase sanitiser and other cleaning supplies in order to remain COVID safe.  We greatly appreciate their support.

Competitor Membership

A new type of membership has recently been introduced to replace the now non-existent day insurance which covered non-members for competitions. For $20 you will be issued with a Competitor Member card which will allow you to ride at any competition held by Huon Hoofbeats Inc in that financial year. Competitor Membership does not allow all the benefits of  full membership such as voting, rally attendance, grounds use or clinics, but it is an economical alternative for those who like to compete without the cost of full membership. The Competitor Membership form will be available from the secretary or treasurer at all Hoofbeats events. Upon receipt of the form a Membership Card will be posted out to you. Alternatively the form can be found on the Nominate website.


Rallies are held on the first Saturday of each month (occasionally this may be altered – advance notice is given to members ). The rallies are organised instructional days; groups are organised taking into account the members present, their mounts and the attending instructors. A regular rally will see each member riding in two lessons in the morning . Riders are required to book in to the rally on the website “Nominate”. An email is sent out to members two weeks prior to the rally requesting bookings – riders are than placed into appropriate groups.  If members do not book in a by the deadline they will not be able to ride at the rally that day.

If you have booked in and then are not able to attend, a minimum of 48 hours notice is to be given by ringing Kristy on 0439 395 118.  If this notice is not given (excepting exceptional circumstances) you will be invoiced for $15.00. This sum is payable prior to riding at any future rally.

Members are needed to help set up and pack up the equipment and do an occasional stint in the canteen. Rally fee is $30, and $20 for a second rider from the same family.

STARTING TIME: ARRIVAL is from 9.00am, to allow time to set up and START at 10.00am.

CANTEEN: A canteen and toasted sandwiches are provided for lunch at rallies, prices are minimal. Members will be asked to assist serving at one canteen per year.

RALLY CANCELLATIONS:  Should a rally need be cancelled due to poor weather a decision will be made by the committee before 8.00am on the morning of the rally. A notification will be posted on Huon Hoofbeats facebook page. All enquiries regarding a cancellation are to be directed only to Kristy Van Munster, President, on 0439 395 118.

Special Events

A variety of events are held throughout the year, including The Spring Show, , Games Day, Showjumping Days and Dressage. The events are open to all, they raise funds for our club and give our members an opportunity to compete in a variety of events. The events are put together by sub-committees – we ask the assistance of club members to run these days as they take a lot of work and are for the benefit of all members.


Clinics are extra activities put on for members, they are run independently of rallies and not considered fundraisers. We organize a guest instructor, and hold an evening,  day or weekend clinic. Positions are usually limited and costs relate to the instructor’s fees and any other expenses.

Ground Use

Members may use the grounds on a casual basis. The key to the grounds is available for members, for information contact Kristy on 0439 395 118. All casual users must complete the Sign In book at the canteen.

The grounds are available for hire by other clubs for competitions, clinics etc.  Huon Hoofbeats Ground Hire Agreement 2015

Rules and Regulations

  • Members are to exercise care at all times, members are held accountable for their actions.
  • Stallions are welcome, they are to be handled by a competent person over 18 years and are to be supervised or contained at all times
  • At all times the welfare of the horse must be paramount – see FEI Code of Conduct for the welfare of the horse
  • Horse whiskers/sensory hairs must not be trimmed – see Horse Sensory Hairs
  • All riders must be suitably mounted, with a horse of appropriate size– see EA Guide to Horse Capacity – Size of Athlete
  • EA approved helmets must be tagged and approved safety boots (this excludes work boots) are to be worn at all times when mounted. EA approved body protector to be worn when jumping any Cross Country or fixed jumps. – see Approved Safety Standards for Helmets
  • Huon Hoofbeats is an EA affiliated club, and operates under the EA rules – See EA Discipline Rules & Regulations
  • Horses are required to be bridled when being ridden and may be ridden bare back when under instruction. Bitless Bridles are permitted under these conditions: Bitless Bridles Policy – read about the policy here
  • All falls (even those that do not result in injury) are reported to EA – See EA Incident Report Form
  • Horses are not to be allowed loose on the grounds at any time
  • Children are to be supervised at all times
  • No person is permitted to sit on the edge of arenas whilst in use, spectators are to sit at a reasonable distance from an arena when watching so as not to encroach on lessons.
  • Horses are to be walked around floats and to and from lessons
  • Dogs on a leash are allowed at rallies
  • Riders under 16 years and under must be supervised by a parent or guardian at rallies and events
  • The Huon Hoofbeats Inc Constitution is here